Christine Haas News Anchor/Reporter T: 619-578-0270 Email: On Twitter: @christinenbcsd W:
The story of my effort to cancel an "irrevocable" contract with Ladco Leasing, whose parent company is Elavon, a merchant services provider. What began as my effort alone became an e-mail group of over 100 small businesses who were being taken advantage of by this company. We shared stories and information, as well as hope and encouragement to those who thought there was no way of getting out from under unfair contracts and the bullying at the hands of lawyers, collection agencies, etc.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Some of the Backstory
I started investigating complaints about Elavon and its subsidiary, Ladco Leasing, in 2010; I had a merchant account with Elavon involving a "software lease" from Ladco Leasing. I fought my way through and finally got out of that "irrevocable" lease with Ladco. I posted on, where I found countless complaints about Ladco Leasing.
I got an e-mail from another Ladco victim who wanted to know how I managed to get out of my contract. We started an e-mail support group. We got many, many more emails and phone calls from other small business owners who were also victims of Ladco. Each new member of the group shared their story, along with their efforts to fight. These small businesses are located all over the United States, in different industries.
The circumstances of each case were different, but had two details in common: (1) they are all SMALL businesses; and (2) they all had so-called "non-cancellable" contracts for leasing credit card processing equipment from Ladco or Northern Leasing. Apparently the name of the company gets changed every so often in order to protect the guilty.
Information sharing eventually led to the investigation by the District Attorney of Ventura County, California.
It has finally drawn the attention of the news media:
media coverage,
san diego